Equality, Diversity & Inclusion


This policy addresses discrimination based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and/or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, as stipulated in the Equality Act 2010.

We recognise and respect the distinction between an individual’s physical sex and gender identity/expression. Consequently, this policy extends to cover discrimination based on a person’s gender identity.


Boiler Central Ltd acknowledges the significance of treating everyone with equity, dignity, and respect. Anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination, harassment, or bullying has the right to lodge a complaint without fear of victimisation or reprisal. For the appropriate course of action, please consult staff and candidate policies.

See also – code of ethics


Each person affiliated with Boiler Central Ltd, including staff and members of the external community, bears responsibility for championing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). The Managing Director holds ultimate responsibility for the complete enactment of this policy.

The Directors of Boiler Central is charged with the task of overseeing Boiler Central Ltd’s strategy regarding equality, diversity, and inclusion for staff. Together with the Executive team, they manage EDI within the content and operational activities of Boiler Central Ltd.

Implementation, Monitoring, and Review

This policy will be enacted through an Equality and Diversity Committee. The committee will regularly report progress on actions and objectives to the Executive Management Team. The efficacy of this policy will be evaluated through continuous monitoring, which includes:

The Directors will gather and analyse data on staff, providing an annual report to the Executive Management Team.

The Quality and Standards Department will manage the collection and analysis of candidate monitoring data.

The Marketing Team will develop and sustain measures to ensure that Boiler Central Ltd’s content is in line with this policy.

This policy will be reviewed regularly to align with best practices and current legislation.


All staff members who are employees of Boiler Central Ltd are obliged to partake in EDI training pertinent to their role. Newly hired staff will undergo EDI training as part of their induction.

Complaints Procedures related to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

Boiler Central Ltd expects all its staff and the broader community to interact with others equitably, with dignity and respect.

Individuals who believe they have been a victim of discrimination, harassment, or bullying have the right to file a complaint, free from victimisation or the fear of retaliation. For the suitable procedure, please consult staff and candidate policies.


The Directors aree is the custodian of this policy. It is subject to revision at the discretion of Boiler Central Ltd’s Executive and/or as necessitated by legislative changes.