Boiler Central Affiliate Scheme

A smiling person with a shaved head, wearing a grey shirt, stands before partially visible purple text on a white wall. The scene exudes warmth, much like the comfort of new boilers after installation.
Written by James Elston
Updated on 16th November 2023
Posted on 15th November 2023
Topic: News
Text on the left reads "Boiler Central Affiliate Scheme" in purple. On the right, a red circular stamp boldly displays the word "Affiliate" around its border. The background is white, enhanced with purple and pink waves at the bottom, reminiscent of a seamless boiler installation process.

Have you ever wanted to earn passive income but the usual affiliate and multi level marketing options are saturated with people selling these products?

Herbalife, Avon, you know them… we think there are more sellers than potential customers TBH. Just saying…

Now you can, in a market that’s only just gone digital: Boiler installations.

Get in now, and you could earn a fortune.

Sign up to be an affiliate here

Why is this such a lucrative offer that you need to get involved in?

Easy, read below:

The old way:

  1. Monday 9.00 am: Decide you need a new boiler and search Google (yellow pages before that) for a boiler company.
  2. Monday 9.05 am: Ring them up for a quote and they book you an appointment on Wednesday for ‘Steve’ to give you a quote.
  3. Wednesday 5.30 pm ‘Steve’ arrives, tells you he’s a heating engineer, but really he’s a salesman. Sneaky eh! Steve then looks around and quotes you there and then, hoping you will say yes and sign the dotted line. But, you want another opinion… So ‘Steve’ goes on his way, and you then proceed to call another company for a second opinion, they book you in the next day, again at 5.30 pm after you finish work.
  4. Thursday at 5.30 pm, another company comes, quotes you and they agree to match your quote. Great, they book you in for installation the following Wednesday and it goes perfectly.
  5. You realise that took 12 days from the initial call, and time to call the two companies, rush back from work, wonder if these quotes are good, have limited payment options and realise their Trustpilot ratings are poor.

Time taken for the above: 12 days.

The way things work now:

  1. Monday 9.00 am: You go to and answer 9 questions that take literally 20 seconds, and get fixed prices online within 30 seconds.
  2. Monday 9.05 am: You’ve just checked our 5-star ratings on Trustpilot and decide that we’re the best boiler company in the UK.
  3. Monday at 9.08 am: You choose your own installation date, which is the next day. Proceed with the order and either pay by card, PayPal or apply for finance online including 0% APR for 1-2 years.
  4. Tuesday 9.00 am: “Kevin’ arrives at your home and installs your boiler.

Time taken for the above: 2 days.

Why is this a brand new sales opportunity for you?

Previously you would have said NO to promoting us because if 10 people DID purchase a boiler from a post you had put on your Facebook, you’d never know if they did or did not due to the nature of how the old process worked.

But now, boilers are ordered online, therefore it’s 100% trackable.

Infact, we offer a 60-day cookie, so if someone clicks on your link today, and then purchases in 59 days, you will still get the commission.

Similar to when influencers post on Instagram, they usually give out a discount code. This discount code works the same way as the affiliate link you will get with Boiler Central and it is unique to you when you sign up.

Sign up to be an affiliate here

How much can you earn?

Here’s the fun part.

How does £60 per sale sound?

Let’s do some figures on 2019:

Total number of people in the UK (2019): 66,650,000

Total number of boilers replaced in 2019: 1,670,000

That means 2.51% of people in the UK, in 2019, had a new boiler fitted.

So if you have 1,000 friends on Facebook 25.1 people (ok, maybe not the .1) may buy a new boiler this year. It will probably be more in 2020 but we don’t have the figures yet.

So, at £60 per boiler x 25 people = £1,500 in commission to YOU.

For doing not much.

You can share this link wherever you want. Facebook groups, community groups, Instagram, Twitter, local sports clubs, friends and family, neighbours – you name it. If you can post your link, (legally) then post it.

Here you could print some flyers and put them in your local football team’s notice board where people can use your code to earn you a referral commission.

See someone on social media who is asking for recommended boiler companies? Put YOUR link on there.

The possibilities are endless, as is the commission you can earn..

Sign up to be an affiliate here

Is the commission capped?

No, you can earn as much as you possibly can.

Who is this affiliate scheme for?

Are you a budding salesperson? It’s for you.

Do you want to earn extra cash? It’s for you.

Do you want to try to make it into a full-time role? It’s for you.

Do you think you can be our top salesperson? It’s for you.

Do you think you could post you a link on lots of groups regularly? It’s for you.

Are you looking for a new job? It’s for you

Do you think you can sell a boiler to our Managing Directors? It’s definitely for you!

Sign up to be an affiliate here

Let’s see some figures

So, our fixed commission is £60 per boiler sale.

We fit 90% of boilers within 4 days of ordering, so your approvals will be super quick.

5 boiler sales a month = £300 a month

10 boiler sales a month = £600 a month

25 boiler sales a month = £1,500 a month

50 boiler sales a month = £3,000 a month

100 boiler sales a month = £6,000 a month

Do you think you can sell, sell, sell and smash it?

250 boiler sales a month = £15,000 a month

Quite good figures we’re sure you’ll agree 🙂

Sign up to be an affiliate here

Benefits of our affiliate scheme

Uncapped commissions

60-day tracking (If someone clicks on your link today, but orders online in say 55 days, it still gets assigned to you, and you get £60 commission)

Fast payouts by PayPal or bank transfer. Verified within 14 days and paid to you within 30 days.

Earn huge amounts of cash

Get in early and reap massive rewards

Sell over 250 boilers in a year and get a free holiday paid for 2 people to the value of £2,500

Sign up to be an affiliate here

How quickly can you start?

Once you sign up, we need to approve it which can be up to 3 days, but usually is within hours.

Then you will get your personal affiliate link that you can instantly share and start getting clicks and sales.

Sign up to be an affiliate here

An example of the affiliate area is below:

How can you track your clicks, views and sales?

You simply login to your affiliate area and you can see things such as how many people have visited our site through your link, the number of sales and previous statistics. See below.

The data is real-time too.

Sign up to be an affiliate here

Are you an influencer?

Let us know once you have signed up and we can give you a unique discount code to promote to your network.

Any other questions?

If you have any questions about our affiliate scheme please contact us – click here to contact us.

Written by
A smiling person with a shaved head, wearing a grey shirt, stands before partially visible purple text on a white wall. The scene exudes warmth, much like the comfort of new boilers after installation.
James Elston Director Of Boiler Central
Posted on: 15th November 2023
Topic: News

James Elston is our resident boiler replacement and heating expert here at Boiler Central. With over 20 years experience in the boiler installation industry, James ensures that he knows everything there is about our Gas Safe boiler installations, energy saving and home heating solutions. This can be from simply procuring the latest best combi boilers, to reviewing and ensuring that Boiler Central maintains the highest standards across our boiler installation company.

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