How Boiler Central is dealing with Coronavirus

Safety is the highest priority of ours, and due to the current COVID-19, we are working hard to keep disruption to a minimum.
Below provides updates ongoing for winter 2020/21 until we resume normal operations.
** Our COVID-19 policy – Updated November 2020**
Due to a reduction in demand for boilers, we are finding that our staff have plenty of time to disinfect vans and working equipment to the highest standard.
Most of our engineers are only installing one boiler per day whereas normally they can install up to 3/4 boilers daily in normal periods.
We are well equipped to install our boilers around the UK at this moment and are managing well with new working procedures both in our offices and for our staff out installing.
We can offer new boilers with no deposit and then monthly payments spread over a term of up to 10 years so do not worry about having to pay upfront for your new boiler in this period of uncertainty.
To get a fixed price on your new boiler, click here and view our installation calendar.
Below is some more information on what steps we take to ensure that risk is the lowest possible. If you do have any concerns or queries, please contact us here.
For essential works, we follow strict guidelines for both office staff and our installers, please see below measures we have put in place to help minimise the risk:
You must confirm with us prior to our visit if you or anyone in the property has symptoms of COVID-19 infection, or are self-isolating due to suspected infection.
Under no circumstances do we expect Boiler Central engineers to put their health and safety at risk and we will advise you that an engineer can’t attend until the end of the 14 day isolation period.
If you are preventatively self-isolating due to underlying health conditions or age, then you should confirm with us if you are happy for us to attend.
Our installers will wear PPE (minimum of gloves and overshoes) to minimise risk to the customer/others in the property.
Our installation staff observe social distancing measures and rigorous hand hygiene before attending jobs.
Guidelines for our installers who will be fitting your new boiler:
Below are the guidelines we have put in place:
• Clean and disinfect vans inside and out.
• Clean all tools with a disinfectant spray
• Spray all areas and wipe down where you are working
• We have supplied gloves and overshoes to prevent cross-contamination
• Please ask all customers to leave you alone in any room you are working in and clean down anything you will be touching.
• Clean down big change (mobile tablet) device before and after a visit
If you have any questions please contact us with your query.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deal with the situation.