Ravenheat Boiler Error Codes, Meaning, Causes & How To Fix

James Elston
Written by James Elston
Updated on 21st September 2023
Posted on 20th September 2023
Circular image showing a notebook page with "How to fix a Navien boiler error code" handwritten. A pen rests on the notebook, hinting at solutions. The text outside the circle reads: "Ravenheat Boiler Error Codes, Meaning, Causes & How To Fix". Purple and pink design elements suggest installation tips.

Ravenheat boilers error codes and faults – what they mean and how to fix

No matter which boiler you have, there will be times when a fault develops. Whether that’s no heat from your Ravenheat boiler, no hot water, or even loud banging noises when operating.

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ravenheat boiler error codes

Thankfully, the manufacturers provide a set of error codes for each system, enabling us to know what the issue is. That then means that Ravenheat boiler troubleshooting could result in being able to get your system up and running again without needing to call in an engineer or buy a new boiler!

Ravenheat Manufacturing Ltd has variations in the codes displayed depending on the boiler model that you have installed. So, whether you have a WH80 or a Ravenheat csi85, fault finding becomes much easier. First off, we’ll look at the error codes that are most common with Ravenheat boilers.

Then, if you can’t see your error code there, you’ll find a complete list further down. If your problem is not fixable, then we can also tell you how much a new boiler costs.

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Common Ravenheat Boiler Error Codes & Faults

So, we’ll start off by delving deeper into the most common error codes and seeing if they might be ones that you can fix yourself. It’s also worth checking your Ravenheat manual for further information.

How to fix error code 01

The Ravenheat boiler error code 01 means that there is a problem with the ignition. The challenge here is that many different issues could cause this particular fault:

  • A faulty burner unit
  • A damaged electrode
  • Damaged ignition lead
  • Problems with the spark generator
  • Issues with the printed circuit board

Because this results in your Ravenheat boiler not firing up, it means that there is no hot water from your boiler or heating until it’s been fixed.  This will mean getting in touch with Ravenheat technical support, who are likely to suggest an engineer’s visit.

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How to fix error code 09e

The error code 09e means that there is overheating of the overheat sensor. When your boiler overheats, it’s often because one of the safety features has failed. This then means that the boiler goes into lockdown mode to prevent what could be unsafe use.  Again, this will mean an engineer coming out to establish what’s caused the problem before you’ll then be able to get hot water and heating.

How to fix error code 28

ravenheat boiler error codes

This error code means that there are low water levels within the boiler. Now, this could lead to a potentially dangerous situation because the heating surfaces become overheated.

Then, when cold water is added. It rapidly becomes steam which can expand to over 1,500 times its volume. If there’s not enough room for the steam, then the pipe could rupture in your Ravenheat boiler

So, with all that in mind, you’re probably not too surprised when we say that this is on for a qualified Gas Safe engineer to come out and fix for you. Even the best combi boilers and system boilers have to give up one day, lets hope it’s not today.

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All Ravenheat Boiler Error Codes

Fault CodeIssue
F73Pressure sensor fault in the heating circuit
F74Faulty sensor for the heating circuit pressure
F76Faulty thermal fuse
F77Faulty gas valve motor
F83Lack of water in the system
F84Flow and return heating sensors have different temperature
F85Faulty flow and return heating sensors
F86Fault with the underfloor heating contact
ERRFaulty user interface
04Faulty hot water sensor

Ravenheat CSI 120 Boiler Error Codes

Fault CodeIssue
17Fan voltage issue
01Boiler ignition faulty
28Low water levels  
12Heating sensor faulty
04Failure due to overheating
30Failure due to flue temperature
31Failure due to flue temperature
02Failure due to boiler temperature

Ravenheat CS 80/90, WH System, WH 80/90 Boiler Error Codes

Fault Codeissue
E02Pump circulation fault
E03Damaged flow sensor
E04Hot water sensor damaged  
E05Faulty fan
E06Overheating of the central heating sensor
E08Pressure too low
E09Overheating of the overheat sensor
E10Boiler water pressure too high
E13Error within the software
E21Overheating of the central heating return sensor
E22Overheating flue sensor
E23Faulty flue sensor
E24Fault with the heating return sensor
E25Frozen main heat exchanger
E29Overheating of the hot water system
E31Comms problem with OpenTherm
E41Flow and return temperatures are different
E42/43/44Issue with different temperature points
E46Problem with the sensor for the water pressure 

Ravenheat HE 80/90 HE 25-30s, HE 80-98s, HE 8-98s or HE 25-30s compact error codes

Fault CodeSystem Behaviour
02EPump circulation problems
03EDamaged flow sensor
04EDamaged hot water sensor
05EFaulty fan
06EOverheating of the central heating sensor
08EWater pressure too low
09EOverheating of the overheat sensor
10EWater pressure too high
13EProblem with the software
21E/24EOverheating of the central heating return sensor
22EOverheating flue sensor
23EFaulty flue sensor
25EFrozen main heat exchanger
29EOverheating of the hot water sensor
31EComms error to OpenTherm
41ETemperature difference between flow and return
42E/43E/44EDifferent temperature error
46EError with the water pressure sensor


When you’re experiencing Ravenheat boiler problems, it becomes an absolute priority to get everything working quickly and efficiently. When there’s no hot water or heating it’s no fun for anyone.

The manufacturer’s error codes provide a bit of information, and at times, they’ll tell you about problems that you can fix yourself. Check out similar manufacturers’ boiler problems in the form of Ariston Error codes & Firebird error codes. Both these lesser know manufacturers have their issues too.

If your boiler keeps on breaking down or if the issue is one of the main components, then the time may have come to look for a replacement. Boiler Central have removed all the stress for this process by allowing you to get a fixed price and providing suggestions for a boiler that meets your needs. Then you can even select the day of boiler installation, which could be just a few days later!

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Written by
James Elston
James Elston Director Of Boiler Central
Posted on: 20th September 2023

James Elston is our resident boiler replacement and heating expert here at Boiler Central. With over 20 years experience in the boiler installation industry, James ensures that he knows everything there is about our Gas Safe boiler installations, energy saving and home heating solutions. This can be from simply procuring the latest best combi boilers, to reviewing and ensuring that Boiler Central maintains the highest standards across our boiler installation company.

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